Tag Archives: usenet

A Redhat Usenet Solution


The two top programs in the Usenet world are NZBGet and SABnzbd. Both of these tools have their strengths and weaknesses. Both of them also have a strong community that chooses one over the other and have their own preferences why they did. But at the end of the day, both of them are amazing and well maintained by their developers and the community that follows them.

I’ve recently begun packaging these tools in addition to some of the plugins that go with them. My goal was to just bring awareness to those who use the CentOS/Fedora/RedHat world that their lives just got easier! At the time this blog was written CentOS 8, Fedora 31, Fedora 32, and Fedora 33 were the current distributions.

The Setup and Target Audience

This blog was centered around the Nuxref repositories I maintain. Thus, this is the cleanest CentOS/RedHat RPM based installation with very little effort required. Simply:

  1. Connect to my repository.
  2. Install your desired packages (explained below):
  3. Enjoy!

The Nuxref Repositories

Before you proceed with the rest of this blog; you’ll first want to get yourself set up with the Nuxref repositories. This is where all of the packages are that will allow you to proceed with one (or both) of the solutions below.

The easiest way to do this is to visit the repository website and follow the instructions to get connected.

CentOS 8 users will want to connect to EPEL if they haven’t already done so:

# Connect to EPEL:
sudo dnf install -y epel-release

NZBGet Usenet Solution

The NZBGet solution comes with the following:

Provides a SystemD service ready to go for those who want to tie it to their systems startup and shutdown.

# Install NZBGet from the Nuxref repository
sudo dnf install -y nzbget

# Add NZBGet to the startup of your system
sudo systemctl enable nzbget.service

# Start it up now if you like too!
sudo systemctl start nzbget.service

You’ll now be able to access the web page through your browser accessing:
Note: The default login/password is nzbget/tegbzn6789 when prompted.

Here is a breakdown of how the custom NZBGet package works:

  • A default configuration (/etc/nzbget.conf) is pre-prepared for you which
  • sets up the logging directory to be /var/log/nzbget/nzbget.log (with log rotation on).
  • All of the variable data (file processing, etc) will be located in /var/lib/nzbget/*. In fact this is a very important directory because unless you configure things differently, all downloaded content will appear in /var/lib/nzbget/downloads.

To grant users on your system access to the data available through NZBGet, simply just add them to the nzbget group:

# swap the USER with your username you want to add to the
# nzbget group:
sudo usermod -aG nzbget USER

You can optionally choose to just run nzbget -d using your general account to launch a personal instance of NZBGet.

NZBGet Notifications

NZBGet can keep you posted on what it’s doing by sending you emails when a download completes (or fails). But it’s not just emails it can use as a medium; it can be Gotify, Twitter, Telegram, Amazon SNS, Slack, etc.

To leverage the notification features, you just need to install the NZB-Notify Plugin:

# Install the notification plugin from the Nuxref repository
sudo dnf install -y nzbget-script-notify

# Reload NZBGet so it takes on the new configuration
sudo systemctl restart nzbget

To enable it, you simply need to need to access the Notifications tab from within the NZBGet Settings section.

NZBGet Notification Setup
  1. Select the SETTINGS entry at the top right.
  2. Select the NOTIFY entry on the left hand side
  3. Notifications basically have to be defined as Apprise URLs; you can learn to construct the one for the services you wish to use here.

Finally it is a good idea to ensure the Notifications are triggered to run at the proper times:

NZBGet Settings – NZB-Notify Ordering
  1. Select the SETTINGS entry at the top right (if you’re not there already still from the previous steps).
  2. Select the EXTNSION SCRIPTS entry on the left hand side
  3. Make sure the Notify.py is listed in both the Extensions and ScriptOrder section.

NZBGet Video Sorting

Another great plugin for NZBGet is one that allows all content downloaded to be automatically sorted/renamed into a very conventional format. The amazing tool that does this is VideoSort. I’ve also gone ahead and packaged this so it would easy to use in a CentOS/Fedora enviroment like everything else:

# Install the videosort plugin from the Nuxref repository
sudo dnf install -y nzbget-script-videosort

# VideoSort can be a bit confusing to setup the first time; so the best way I can
# make this incredibly easy for you is to pre-load you with some good default
# configuration.  Here is how you can do it:

# First stop NZBGet:
sudo systemctl stop nzbget

# Backup the configuration file (so you can restore things they way they
# were if you don't like my approach):
sudo cp /etc/nzbget.conf /etc/nzbget.conf.backup

# Now thrown in our default configuration
# (just copy and paste the below):

# First tidy up any conflicting entries (don't worry
# you backed this file up remember, we can roll back if you're
# not happy after:
sudo sed -i '/Videosort/d' $NZBGETCFG
sudo sed -i '/Category[0-9]\+/d' $NZBGETCFG

# Now copy in our new settings:
( cat << _EOF
# Custom Categories
# (option <DestDir>) is used. In this case if the option <AppendCategoryDir>
Category1.Extensions=VideoSort.py, Notify.py
Category2.Extensions=VideoSort.py, Notify.py
Category2.Aliases=hdtv, tv*, s??e??

# VideoSort Script
) | sudo tee -a $NZBGETCFG

# Restart our NZBGet instance so it takes on the new configuration
sudo systemctl start nzbget

Firewall Configuration

The package will provide you the files needed to set up the firewall and make NZBGet available to you from other stations by simply doing the following:

# Assuming your network is set up to the `home` zone, the following
# sets you up to expose TCP Port 6789 on your network
firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service nzbget --permanent

# You can optionally expose your secure instance of NZBGet on TCP
# port 6791 as well if you want
firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service nzbget-secure --permanent

# Now reload your firewall to take on the new change:
firewall-cmd --reload

SABnzbd Usenet Solution

You can start it up with the command:

# Install SABnzbd from the Nuxref repository
sudo dnf install -y sabnzbd

# Add SABnzbd to the startup of your system
sudo systemctl enable sabnzbd.service

# Start it up now if you like too!
sudo systemctl start sabnzbd.service

You’ll now be able to access the web page through your browser accessing:

Here is a breakdown of how the custom SABnzbd package works:

  • All of your log files will show up in /var/log/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.log
  • All of configuration will get written to /etc/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.conf
  • All of the variable data (file processing, etc) will be located in /var/lib/sabnzbd/*. In fact this is a very important directory because unless you configure things differently, all downloaded content will appear in /var/lib/sabnzbd/complete.

To grant users on your system access to the data available through SABnzbd, simply just add them to the sabnzbd group:

# swap the USER with your username you want to add to the
# sabnzbd group:
sudo usermod -aG sabnzbd USER

Firewall Configuration

The package will provide you the files needed to set up the firewall and make SABnzbd available to you from other stations by simply doing the following:

# Assuming your network is set up to the `home` zone, the following
# sets you up to expose TCP Port 9080 on your network
firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service sabnzbd --permanent

# You can optionally expose your secure instance of SABnzbd on TCP
# port 9090 as well if you want
firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service sabnzbd-secure --permanent

# Now reload your firewall to take on the new change:
firewall-cmd --reload

SABnzbd Notifications

SABnzbd can keep you posted on what it’s doing by sending you emails when a download completes (or fails). But it’s not just emails it can use as a medium; it can be Gotify, Twitter, Telegram, Amazon SNS, Slack, etc.

To leverage the notification features, you just need to install the NZB-Notify Plugin:

# Install the notification plugin from the Nuxref repository
sudo dnf install -y sabnzbd-script-notify

To enable it, you simply need to need to access the Notifications tab from within the SABnzbd Configuration section.

SABnzbd Notification Setup
SABnzbd Notification Setup
  1. Select the Enable notification script checkbox
  2. Select the Notify.py script from the dropdown list next to the Script category
  3. Next to the Parameter category, you must specify the URL(s) identifying which service(s) you want to notify.Depending on what you want plan on alerting, the URL(s) you specify in the Parameter field will vary. You can get a better understanding of the URL options supported here.

NGinX Frontend

Regardless of what downloader you chose to setup from the instructions above, you should NEVER directly expose SABnzbd or NZBGet to the internet… EVER! ALWAYS uses some sort of proxy to bridge the internet from systems you run on your local network. NGinX (pronounced Engine-X) can solve this very thing for you. NginX is much more actively maintained and focuses entirely protecting your servers while allowing them to safely host their backend HTTP(S) solutions.

# Install NGinX and httpd-tools (if they're not there already)
sudo dnf install nginx httpd-tools

# Add nginx to the startup of your system
sudo systemctl enable nginx.service

# Start it up now if you like too!
sudo systemctl start nginx.service

# Expose port 80 and port 443
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service http --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service https --permanent

# If you're installing NginX on the same server that you've installed
# SABnzbd or NGinX on, make sure you no longer expose the ports associated
# with them anymore:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=home --remove-service nzbget --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=home --remove-service nzbget-secure --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=home --remove-service sabnzbd --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=home --remove-service sabnzbd-secure --permanent

# Now reload your firewall to take on the new change:
firewall-cmd --reload

Now add the following into your /etc/nginx/default.d/usenet.conf file:

   # NZBGet wrapper
   location /nzbget/ {
      proxy_pass   http://localhost:6789;
      proxy_cache  off;

      # Simple Security
      auth_basic            "Restricted Usenet Area";
      auth_basic_user_file  usenet.htpasswd;

   # SABnzbd wrapper
   location /sabnzbd/ {
      proxy_pass   http://localhost:9080;
      proxy_cache  off;

      # Simple Security
      auth_basic            "Restricted Usenet Area";
      auth_basic_user_file  usenet.htpasswd;

Now let’s set up a simple password file we can use to secure our content.

# Generate a password for the user 'usenet'.  You might want to
# switch this for your own name if you like:
sudo htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/usenet.htpasswd usenet

# you will be prompted to enter a password to associate with your
# new user.  Go ahead and provide one! :)

# You can generate more account if you want too; just remove the
# -c for future calls. e.g:
# sudo htpasswd  /etc/nginx/usenet.htpasswd user2

# It wouldn't hurt to just enhance the security associated with our
# new password file (for prying eyes):
chown root.nginx /etc/nginx/usenet.htpasswd
chmod 640 /etc/nginx/usenet.htpasswd

# You're almost done!
# Make sure your configuration won't break anything
nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# If the above passed okay, then it's safe to make your configuration
# live.
sudo systemctl reload nginx


Please note that this information took me several days to put together and test thoroughly. There was a tremendous effort put in place to make all versions of these programs compatible with all recent RPM based Linux distributions. I may not blog often; but I want to re-assure the stability and testing I put into everything I intend share.

If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least. It’s really all I ask.


Pan: A Useful NewsReader for Linux


PAN is a newsreader that has been around for ages. It allows you to sift through the massive clutter that Usenet has become through its really fast interface loaded with tons of features!

It’s development died off way back in 2012, but recently it’s development has picked right back up again. Not only is this product feature rich and open source, but it’s written purely in C++ which makes it incredibly light weight (thus very, very fast). Some of the subtle product enhancements this product has seen in the past few months make it worthy to be in the spot light again.

So What Can It Do?

  • Header Caching: Tell it the group(s) you want and how much of it you want to see and it will download the headers it retrieves to a local cache file. This is awesome because now you can sift through this content offline.
    Cache Headers
    Cache Headers
  • Header Scoring: You can flag key aspects of articles with a score. By default every header retrieved has a score of zero (0) unless you start dabbling in this area.

    Anything that scores less than (or equal to) -9999 can be configured to not list itself at all. Some well set scores can greatly clean up your ability to locate content in groups.

    You can score content higher and/or lower based on the posts author, subject, size, age, etc. You can even apply scoring through regular expressions too!

    Scoring is very powerful when used properly! I’ll talk about it again a bit later in this blog once you’ve gotten set up. But if we were to apply scoring to the previous screenshot (above), it might look like this (all garbage cleaned up and content prioritized with color coding too):

    Header Scoring
    Header Scoring
  • Multiple Server Support: Got a block account? No problem, you can add it as a secondary server and only pull from it if the Primary one is unavailable.
  • NZB-File Support: The treasure maps of Usenet can be loaded into Pan too and downloaded through it. True automation of these come through systems like NZBGet and SABnzbd, but it’s still worth knowing that not only is this a newsreader, but it can pass as a downloader as well!
  • Concurrent Connections: Like any great browser/downloader of any system; files are retrieve concurrently. This means that you can just keep browsing and tagging content of interest seamlessly without interruptions.
  • Header Compression Support: One of the new enhancements surfaced with the new development of this project. This makes a world of difference when retrieving hundreds of thousands of headers from a Usenet group. Enabling this feature along (if your Usenet provider supports it) will greatly reduce wait times!

Pan’s Disabled Features

The features page on PANs website explains about a parent company (called ChimPanXi) that tries to sell this free product with added functionality. I guess the deal they have with the developers is to just disable a few features so that they can be re-enabled them the paid version (purely speculation)?

But since the (Pan) code is open source, the options are right there in front of us but just disabled. Quite honestly… of all this disabled functionality, only one is truly worth pointing out: Pan restricts you to just 4 allowable concurrent connections to your Usenet provider at a time. Here is a small patch I created which increases this number to 99. The build I provide in this blog already has this patch applied. Here are the rest of the missing features (with some of my comments as well); maybe some might see value in the others?

Pans Missing Features
Pans Missing Features

The Goods

For those hooked up to my repository are already set, just type the following:

# install the new version of Pan
yum install pan --enablerepo=nuxref

You can also reference this table too for direct links:

Package Download Description
pan el7.rpm, fc22.rpm, fc23.rpm, fc24.rpm, fc25.rpm The Newsreader: This is the program that this blog focuses on.

Note: The source rpm can be obtained here which builds everything you see in the table above. It’s not required for the application to run, but might be useful for developers or those who want to inspect how I put the package together.

It’s also worth noting (again) that this build includes a small patch to increase the maximum allowable number of concurrent connections from 4 to 99.

Securing Your Connection

There is very little security built into Pan from a connection point of view. What little security is (normally) in place is built using GnuTLS. GnuTLS has a history of not keeping up with the security exploits and vulnerabilities that surface with encryption libraries. It doesn’t make it unsafe; it just doesn’t make it as reliable as it’s competition (OpenSSL and Crypto). For this reason the packages I provide are intentionally not built against it (GnuTLS).

It’s really not a problem at the end of the day because there are other ways of securing this connection (properly). The way I use (and recommend) is through Stunnel.

Stunnel allows you to take an unencrypted input (from Pan) and connect it to a secure connected one (at your Usenet provider). The best thing about stunnel is that it links to your (OpenSSL) shared system libraries libssl.so and libcrypto.so which are actively maintained and patched! Basically what I’m saying is by attaching Pan to Stunnel: you get the feature rich usage of Pan and the ongoing (reliable) security of OpenSSL.

The following will get you set up with stunnel; you’ll want to be root before running the command below:

# Install stunnel (if it's not installed already)
# you'll need to be connected to either EPEL or NuxRef for this
# to work:
yum install stunnel

You can also reference this table too for direct links:

Package Download Description
stunnel el7.rpm, fc22.rpm, fc23.rpm, fc24.rpm, fc25.rpm Secure Tunnel: for data encryption.

Note: This RPM is not required by PAN to run correctly. It does however offer you a safer and more secure method of encrypting your communication to (and from) your NNTP Server.
# You must have root permissions when setting up
# stunnel

# Create relay bound to local server only (semi-colons are for
# comments):
cat << _EOF > /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
; Use it for client mode
; This is the pass through mode you need to encrypted
; your NNTP traffic:
client = yes
; --- IN ---
; local port to listen on (on this PC)
; You will configure PAN to connect here:
accept =

; --- OUT ---
; The Remote Usenet Server's (encrypted) connection to use:
; In this example, I'm just pointing to Astraweb, but you
; can provide any Usenet server you wish here. Just be sure
; to point it to their secure transport point!
connect = ssl.astraweb.com:563

# This line below is useless, but it allows you revisit this blog
# entry and continue and copy and paste these instructions at a later
# time. The line removes any previous entries set to prevent the
# creation of duplicate entries  in your startup file at another time
# It's harmless to run at any point:
sed -i -e '/bin\/stunnel/d' /etc/rc.d/rc.local

# Configure stunnel to start after each boot
echo "# Start /usr/bin/stunnel on boot each time:" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
echo "/usr/bin/stunnel" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

# By default stunnel is configured to read 
# it's configuration from /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
# on startup:

The next step is to update your PAN server configuration to point to your local server (localhost or instead of the remote one you’re accessing. Make sure to set the port to 119 too like so:

Stunnel Pan Configuration
Stunnel Pan Configuration

You’ll provide the same username and password you would have otherwise provided to your Usenet provider.

The end result is a secure connection between you and your Usenet provider like so:
Pan Setup With Stunnel


Scoring articles can greatly ease your life when looking through all of the headers in front of you; it’s great for:

  • Eliminating SPAM
  • Filtering out potential malicious content (such as Trojans and Viruses)
  • Increasing the visibility of items of interest
  • Locating Authors of interest with ease

All scores can be optionally associated with a time limit too. When the limit expires, so does the score. This is useful when you only want to temporarily filter content. Otherwise the permanent scores will make up most of your configuration. To add a score, simply click Articles > Add a Scoring Rule…

Add Scoring Rule
Add a Scoring Rule

Here is an example of a rule you might add; this one greatly reduces the score of all entries that have potentially dangerous file extensions in the subject line:

Block Potentially Malicious Content
Block Potentially Malicious Content

Pan’s built in filter field allows you to sift through all of the articles you found with keywords. Pairing this functionality with the scoring one really shows off the power of Pan.

All created scores are kept in ~/.pan2/Scores so don’t worry if you mess one up. You can just as easily open this file and fix it. Any manual changes to this file will however require you to exit out of Pan (if it’s open) and restart it.

Here is just a few entries of what you might have in your Score file:

% Greatly reduce score of potentially malicious content
Score:: -9999
Subject: .*\.(exe|bat|vbs|cpl|msi|scr|vb(script)?|ws(f|h))[^A-Za-z0-9].*

% Moderately increase the score of compressed content
Score:: 2500
Subject: .*\.(z(ip|[0-9]{2})|r(ar|[0-9]{2})|7z|iso)[^A-Za-z0-9]([0-9]{3}[^A-Za-z0-9])?.*

% Very slightly decrease the content of PAR content
% This allows it to not quite have the same spot light as
% the item it matches up against. If it were a compressed file
% it would already have +2500 from the previous score entry
% identified above.  These will just sit at +2400 instead.
Score:: -100
Subject: .*(\.vol[0-9]+\+[0-9]+)?\.(par2|sfv)[^A-Za-z0-9].*

% Very slightly increase the score of NZB-Files
Score:: 250
Subject: .*\.(nzb)[^A-Za-z0-9].*

% Mildly drop the score of cross-posted content
Score:: -750
Xref: (.*:){2} % cross-posted to 2 or more groups 

Wrapping It Up

I’m certainly not asking anyone to change from their existing system if it works for them. What I am pointing out though is that Pan is completely free, it’s open source and the features it offers are comparable (if not better) than all of it’s competition. Although it works great on Linux, it also works on many other platforms as well such as Microsoft and Apple.

It might not have a beautiful interface, but it wasn’t built to fill your systems memory with bloated eye candy. It was built to be fast and effective… and truly, it really is.

The newer versions coming out are really great! If you haven’t given it a try since it’s dated ones, you really should! If you’re interested in seeing how Usenet is structured, than this is also a great tool to learn with. If you run an indexer (such as newznab or the many forks of it) you can practice your regular expressions (regexs) using Pan. For an Indexer Admin, this tool is especially great in debugging your regexs!


This blog took me a very long time to put together and test! The repository hosting alone accommodates all my blog entries up to this date. All of the custom packaging described here was done by me personally. I took the open source available to me and rebuilt it to make it an easier solution and decided to share it. If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least. It’s really all I ask.


SABnzbd Installation for CentOS 7.x


SABnzbd is a versatile tool written in Python specifically designed to take an NZB-File as input and then retrieve all of the content defined inside of it for you automatically. Recently there have been new improvements with SABnzbd in the past few releases. So I thought I’d share a working out of the box solution using RPMs. In addition to this, I’ve packaged up my notification script I wrote which can further enhance this great product.

SABnzbd and Usenet

First off; lets summarize Usenet for those who don’t use it or aren’t already familiar with it. In the simplest terms: Usenet is a great big fucking mess; a total disaster. It’s basically a location where literally anyone with access to it can post/upload all they want at their free will anonymously. Don’t get me wrong; this is cool too because it’s basically one very large hard drive without anyone telling you what you can and can’t place onto it. Seriously though, just consider for a second what your computer would look like if you allowed absolutely anyone who has access to the internet to upload content freely and without rules to it. You’d probably run out of hard disk space quickly; and you’ll be left with a lot of content everywhere. Well; that’s exactly what Usenet is (greatly simplified); it’s one large centralized location filled with petabytes of data. The thing with Usenet though is… it isn’t, and won’t be running out of disk space anytime soon.

The good news is, (thankfully) people sift through the heaps of information constantly being posted (onto Usenet) using automated tools regularly. These tools that do the sifting are generally known as Indexers. I talk more about this in another blog I wrote here a while back. But basically whenever an Indexer finds some useful data, it records the location as to where it was found. Indexers record this information in a special file call an NZB-File. NZB-Files are effectively treasure maps containing the coordinates on Usenet to which a specific piece of data can be located at.

NZB-Files are like Treasure Maps
NZB-Files are like Treasure Maps

It should be known that if you’re planning on posting/uploading stuff to Usenet yourself (for backup purposes or what have you), most (good) software will generate you an NZB-File afterwards allowing you to retrieve your data back again later on.

Now lets throw SABnzbd into the picture because it specifically is designed to retrieve content based on an NZB-File it’s provided. The process looks a little like this:

SABnzbd Download Process
SABnzbd Download Process

  1. Acquire NZB-File: Presumably you already have it because you’re just trying to retrieve data you posted in the past. But alternatively, the NZB-File could have also been acquired from and Indexer too.
  2. Give SABnzbd Access to NZB-File: You simply hand off your treasure map to the application who’s actually going to go out there and get the content for you.

    This is truly the bread and butter of SABnzbd. The next set of steps identified below are all fully automated (and done behind the scenes) for you. They require nothing from you, but it’s worth explaining it for those who are interested.

  3. SABnzbd Establishes a Connection to Usenet: The catch with SABnzbd is it’s merely a vessel for fetching the data. You need to have provided it access to Usenet to which it will fetch this data from. Thus SABnzbd must (obviously) connect to a Usenet provider in order to retrieve data from Usenet itself. This step is put in place to make sure you’ve got yourself an account with a provider!
  4. SABnzbd Downloads Content: Segment by segment, each portion of your data is downloaded and re-assembled. There are lots of additional things that go on too such as making sure the data isn’t damaged and attempting to correct it (all automatic) if it is.
  5. SABnzbd Saves Data:If all goes well; and in most circumstances it will. You will have all of the content successfully retrieved at this point!

SABnzbd has tons of automation built into it; I’m really just focusing on the basics here to get you going.

I Want To Try It

Of course you do! So here’s the thing; if you’ve already connected to my repository here, you can get it by simply typing the following:

# Download and install SABnzbd plus the Notification Addon
# on CentOS 7.x using the nuxref repositories located
# here: https://nuxref.com/repo/
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref \
               --enablerepo=nuxref-shared \
               sabnzbd sabnzbd-script-notify

You can also just visit the location I host these packages directly (via my repository) here and download the RPMs for yourself:

Note: I provided the source rpms optionally; they are not required unless you want to build this for yourself from scratch.

SABnzbd Environment

It’s worth giving you a quick rundown of how the RPM installs itself upon your computer: First off, it creates a general user/group called sabnzbd. By default this is the user/group it will run as. To grant a user access to all of the content retrieved by SABnzbd, you can just add yourself to the sabnzbd group:

# as root; we can add ourselves to the sabnzbd group
usermod -a -G sabnzbd myuserid

# Note: if this user is logged in, they will have to log out and log
#       back in to have these new security credentials noticed. 

You can start it up with the command:

# as root; start up SABnzbd:
systemctl start sabnzbd.service

You’ll be able to access the web page through your browser by punching in https://localhost:9080.

You can set it up to survive reboots with the following command:

# as root; start up SABnzbd when the machine is first
# powered on:
systemctl enable sabnzbd.service
  • All of your log files will show up in /var/log/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.log
  • All of configuration will get written to /etc/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.conf
  • All of the variable data (file processing, etc) will be located in /var/lib/sabnzbd/*. In fact this is a very important directory because unless you configure things differently, all downloaded content will appear in /var/lib/sabnzbd/complete.

Firewall Configuration

The package will provide you the files needed to set up the firewall and make SABnzbd available to you from other stations by simply doing the following:

# as root; start up SABnzbd when the machine is first
# powered on (assuming your network is set up to the `home` zone
firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-service sabnzbd --permanent

# Now reload your firewall to take on the new change:
firewall-cmd --reload

SABnzbd Notifications

SABnzbd can keep you posted on what it’s doing by sending you emails when a download completes (or fails). It can send you an notification on Pushbullet, and a few others too.

If you want to use the Notify script I wrote, you’re already almost set up and ready to go because it’s in the sabnzbd-script-notify rpm you already installed.

To enable it, you simply need to need to access the Notifications tab from within the SABnzbd Configuration section.

SABnzbd Notification Setup
SABnzbd Notification Setup

  1. Select the Enable notification script checkbox
  2. Select the Notify.py script from the dropdown list next to the Script category
  3. Next to the Parameter category, you must specify the URL(s) identifying which service(s) you want to notify.

    Depending on what you want plan on alerting, the URL(s) you specify in the Parameter field will vary. You can get a better understanding of the URL options supported here.


This blog took me a very long time to put together and test! The repository hosting alone accommodates all my blog entries up to this date. If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least. It’s really all I ask.

Special thanks to Safihre for reaching out to me and allowing me to contribute to their product with the notification add-on.
