Tag Archives: Red Hat

Google Play Music Desktop Player for Linux


Google Play Music Desktop Player (GPMDP) is an amazing application. Instead of opening up a browser every time to access your Google Music account (and songs), you can integrate it into your desktop experience instead. One of the best features GPMDP offers is the fact it becomes a standalone application and no longer requires you to have to deal with the memory hogging web browsers (especially Chrome) uses to stream your favorite music!

GPMDP doesn’t stop there though, there are tons of great features it offers that extend the already great functionality Google Music offers! Just to quote directly from their README file:

  • Supports media keys (play, pause, stop, next, previous)
  • last.fm Scrobbling and Now Playing support!
  • Hands free Voice Controls!
  • Desktop notifications on track change
  • A simplistic mini player
  • Customizable Dark theme
  • Smooth scrolling and overlay scrollbars for a nicer user experience.
  • HTML5 Audio Support – No more Adobe Flash Player!
  • Minimize to task bar for background music playing
  • Customizable hotkeys for those who don’t have media keys.
  • Choose your audio output device from within the player.
Google Music Dark Theme
Google Music Dark Theme

I set up this blog because the RPMs distributed from GPMDP’s official website didn’t work for me. So I just ended up repackaging the whole thing and thought I would share my success.

It’s also important to note that this blog assumes you have a subscription to Google Music. If you don’t have one (and don’t intend to get one), then there is no need to read any further. πŸ™‚


If you are hooked up to my repository, you can upgrade to the latest packages through the following simple command:

  • CentOS (or Red Hat) 7.x:
    # Run as root (or a user with sudoers permission)
    sudo yum -y install --enablrepo=nuxref google-play-music-desktop-player
    # Or you can do it manually:
    # I sign everything; so it wouldn't hurt to just grab my key
    rpm --import http://repo.nuxref.com/pub/NUXREF-GPG-KEY
    # Now you can install the player
    rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/centos/7/en/x86_64/custom/google-play-music-desktop-player-3.2.1-1.el7.nuxref.x86_64.rpm
  • Fedora 22:
    # I sign everything; so it wouldn't hurt to just grab my key
    rpm --import http://repo.nuxref.com/pub/NUXREF-GPG-KEY
    # Now you can install the player
    rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/fedora/fc22/en/x86_64/custom/google-play-music-desktop-player-3.2.1-1.fc22.nuxref.x86_64.rpm
  • Fedora 23:
    # I sign everything; so it wouldn't hurt to just grab my key
    rpm --import http://repo.nuxref.com/pub/NUXREF-GPG-KEY
    # Now you can install the player
    rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/fedora/fc23/en/x86_64/custom/google-play-music-desktop-player-3.2.1-1.fc23.nuxref.x86_64.rpm
  • Fedora 24:
    # I sign everything; so it wouldn't hurt to just grab my key
    rpm --import http://repo.nuxref.com/pub/NUXREF-GPG-KEY
    # Now you can install the player
    rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/fedora/fc24/en/x86_64/custom/google-play-music-desktop-player-3.2.1-1.fc24.nuxref.x86_64.rpm
  • Fedora 25:
    # I sign everything; so it wouldn't hurt to just grab my key
    rpm --import http://repo.nuxref.com/pub/NUXREF-GPG-KEY
    # Now you can install the player
    rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/fedora/fc25/en/x86_64/custom/google-play-music-desktop-player-3.2.1-1.fc25.nuxref.x86_64.rpm

Gnome Media Player Shell Extension

Pair this application with the Gnome Media Player Shell Extension and you’ll allow even get desktop notifications when songs change.

Media Player Gnome Extension
Media Player Gnome Extension

For CentOS / Red Hat 7 users, this extension sometimes does not properly install itself. So to make your life easier, I went ahead and packaged it into it’s own RPM as well. You can install it like so:

# Assuming you're hooked up to my repository, you can
# just easily install it:
sudo yum install --enablerepo=nuxref gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer

I didn’t forget about the Fedora users either. It’s also in the repository (if you’re hooked up):

# Assuming you're hooked up to my repository, you can
# just easily install it:
sudo dnf install --enablerepo=nuxref gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer


You can also just visit the locations where I posted these RPMs and fetch them manually:

  Google Play Music Desktop Player Gnome Media Player Shell Extension
CentOS/Red Hat 7.x rpm / src rpm / src
Fedora 22 rpm / src rpm / src
Fedora 23 rpm / src rpm / src
Fedora 24 rpm / src rpm / src
Fedora 25 rpm / src rpm / src


All of the custom packaging in this blog was done by me personally. I took the open source available to me and rebuilt it to make it an easier solution and decided to share it. If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least. It’s really all I ask.


Install NodeJS v0.12 on CentOS 7


NodeJS v0.10 presently ships on CentOS/Red Hat 7.x. If you Google around, there are some hacky ways to upgrade NodeJS on your system, but all of them (at least all of the ones I found) don’t manage these upgrades properly through RPMs.

Now the good folks over at nodesource.com attempted to package this all into one RPM but by doing this, they unfortunately violate a number of standards that Red Hat tries to follow. It also causes some conflicts with any existing (NodeJS) packages you may have been using vs simply gracefully upgrading them. This blog merely offers an alternative (more elegant) solution to the same problem nodesource.com already solved.

What is NodeJS?

For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s a scripting language (like Python and PHP) which allows you to write your code in JavaScript. That’s right, the same language web developers would otherwise write client side code to enhance someones web experience. NodeJS however allows developers to write server side code using this technology.

The tool is constantly evolving and becoming more widely used which is exactly why you need to upgrade your copy to take advantage of the new features it has to offer! πŸ™‚

NodeJS Dependency Nightmare

I’ll be honest up front, NodeJS does suffer from a bit of a dependency nightmare. One component you’ll install will require some other components to work, they in turn will also require components (and so on and so forth). This is no different then other languages, however with NodeJS the problem is that some dependencies don’t connect up with others all the time and some dependencies conflict with another. This prevents you from being able to fully experiment with some of the on-going development and newer features easily. More importantly NodeJS struggles from the lack of Semantic Versioning which is the root cause of the dependency hell we have to work with.

The dependency issues that confront NodeJS are probably the biggest reason it’s not so easily integrated into Linux environments like the other scripting languages are.

The Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) team did do a good job of working out a ton of dependencies for us in the past. But no one seems to be keeping up with this. The packages they provided are old… I mean really old. Even the bleeding edge Linux distributions (Fedora 23 and Ubuntu 15.10 at the time) still ship with NodeJS 0.10 and haven’t updated their NodeJS packages in years either.

The good news is, I’ve worked out ton of these dependencies using many of the current packages available today and also share them on my repository. So although I can’t satisfy the needs of everyone… I can certainly start with my own and share my work in case others are interested! πŸ™‚

The Run Down

This blog focuses on properly providing installable RPMs that follow Red Hat standards. In addition to this, these packages will remain compatible with previous installations of NodeJS:

  • NodeJS v0.12 (from v0.10)
  • npm v3.8.x (from v1.3.x)
  • libuv v.1.9 (from v0.10.x)

Not only that, but I ported over 360+ NodeJS packages into install-able RPMs! They’re certainly not all tested, but it’s a heck of a lot farther then we were before as far as what was available to us.


Make sure you’ve connected to my repository which is documented here. After that, it’s as simple as the following:


The bread and butter of this entire blog entry. This will haul in the latest libuv packaging as well:

# Run as root (or a user with sudoers permission)
yum install --enablerepo=nuxref nodejs


If you want to stray away from the 360+ packages I put together, you can use the latest version of npm to haul in your own.

# Run as root (or a user with sudoers permission)
yum install --enablerepo=nuxref npm


I may not blog often; but I want to re-assure the stability and testing I put into everything I intend share.

If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least; it’s really all that I ask of you.


None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t referenced the following:

Block and Unblock Ports on Your Firewall Quickly


This blog just shares and explains the function of a script I created for *nux based systems that can be used to quickly block and unblock ports on your firewall. It works with both IPTables and FirewallD. It can also be easily configured to work with a cron and ran at key times.

There are several reasons why you might want to quickly block a port on your firewall.

  • Maybe you suspect someone is intruding or violating your system.
  • Maybe you want to leave your computer running (it’s crunching data for you), but for security reasons you want to close all of the ports when you’re not around (such as after work hours or over the weekend).

The Goods

At the present time, the script supports blocking inbound tcp and udp ports. It also supports blocking port ranges.
Simply copy this into a script file which I called blockport.sh (don’t forget to make it executable) and place it in your path:

# Name: blockport.sh
# Author: Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# Date: Jul 17th, 2015
# Description: A simple script that blocks and unblocks outbound traffic
#              The intent is to set up a cron that will block stuff at night
#              and then unblock it in the morning every day preventing
#              any unnecessary things from making outbound requests.
# Dependencies: sed, logger, grep, and iptables
# This script must run as root!

SCRIPTNAME=$(basename $0)

# Set the command to what you want to actually do
# some scripts explicitly reference the above

# Default Line Numbers (where inserts will take place

show_syntax () {
   echo "Syntax: \$> $SCRIPTNAME <Action> [Options]"
   echo "  Actions:"
   echo "     -l"
   echo "     --list                  List the ports blocked by this script."
   echo "     -bo PORT"
   echo "     --block-outbound=PORT   Blocks outbound ports (both udp and tcp). You can"
   echo "                              use space or comma to delimite multiple ports"
   echo "     -uo PORT"
   echo "     --unblock-outbound=PORT Unblocks outbound ports (both udp and tcp)"
   echo "                              previously blocked. You can use space or comma to"
   echo "                              delimit multiple ports"
   echo "     -bi PORT"
   echo "     --block-inbound=PORT    Blocks inbound ports (both udp and tcp). You can"
   echo "                              use space or comma to delimite multiple ports"
   echo "     -ui PORT"
   echo "     --unblock-inbound=PORT  Unblocks inbound ports (both udp and tcp)"
   echo "                              previously blocked. You can use space or comma to"
   echo "                              delimit multiple ports"
   echo ""

   # A Simple function that cleans up port ranges
   local PORTS=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/[, \\/]\+/ /g' -e 's/[;-]\+/:/' \
             -e 's/[^:0-9 ]//g' -e 's/^[^0-9]\+//g' -e 's/[^0-9]\+$//g')
   [ -z "$PORTS" ] && return 1
   echo "$PORTS"
   return 0

indexes() {
   # Possible types are OUTPUT, INPUT, and FORWARD
   local TYPE=$1
   # A simple function that returns the index(es) of a iptable
   # entry (if it's blocked or not).
   local PORTS=$(clean_ports $2)
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1

   local INDEXES=""
   # This magical line was constructed off of what i learned here:
   # http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/129087/grep-log-and-get-text-between-log-delimiters
   # It extracts the DROP lines we created in the OUTPUT Chain
   for PORT in $PORTS; do
      INDEX=$($IPTABLES_BIN -nL --line-numbers | \
         grep -a -zPo "(\n?Chain $TYPE [^\n]*\n)\K(.|\n)+?[^\n][^Cc](.|\n)+?(?=\nChain [^\n]*\n)" | \
                egrep -a 'DROP' | egrep '^[0-9]' | egrep " dpts?:$PORT[ \t]*\$" | \
                sed -e 's/^[ \t]*\([0-9]\+\)[^0-9].*/\1/g')

   [ -z "$INDEXES" ] && return 1

   # Sort the INDEXES (largest # to smallest) because we want to
   # process the list backwards
   INDEXES=$(echo $INDEXES | tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' | sort -n -r | uniq)
   echo $INDEXES
   return 0

unblock() {
   # Possible types are OUTPUT, INPUT, and FORWARD
   local TYPE=$1
   # A simple function that returns the index(es) of a iptable
   # entry (if it's blocked or not).
   local PORTS=$2

   # Defaults
   [ -z "$TYPE" ] && TYPE=INPUT

   # Stores the indexes (if set)
   local INDEXES="$(indexes $TYPE $PORTS)"
   [ -z "$INDEXES" ] && return 0

   # Sort the INDEXES (largest # to smallest) because we want to
   # process the list backwards
   INDEXES=$(echo $INDEXES | tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' | sort -n -r | uniq)

   for INDEX in $INDEXES; do
   logger "INFO - blockport.sh: Unblocked $TYPE $PORTS"
   return 0

   # Possible types are OUTPUT, INPUT, and FORWARD
   local TYPE=$1
   # A simple function that returns the index(es) of a iptable
   # entry (if it's blocked or not).
   local PORTS=$(clean_ports $2)
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1

   # Defaults
   [ -z "$TYPE" ] && TYPE=INPUT

   # If indexes already exist, then we don't have to do anything
   local INDEXES="$(indexes $TYPE $PORTS)"
   [ ! -z "$INDEXES" ] && return 0

   local LINE=$(eval "echo \$IPTABLES_${TYPE}_LINE")
   [ -z $LINE ] && LINE=1
   for PORT in $PORTS; do
      $IPTABLES -I $TYPE $LINE -p tcp -s 0/0 --destination-port $PORT -j DROP
      $IPTABLES -I $TYPE $LINE -p udp -s 0/0 --destination-port $PORT -j DROP
   logger "INFO - blockport.sh: Blocked $TYPE $PORTS"
   return 0

list() {
   for TYPE in "INPUT" "OUTPUT" ; do
      echo "Listing $TYPE Ports Blocked:"
      $IPTABLES_BIN -nL --line-numbers | \
         grep -a -zPo "(\n?Chain $TYPE [^\n]*\n)\K(.|\n)+?[^\n][^Cc](.|\n)+?(?=\nChain [^\n]*\n)" | \
         egrep -a 'DROP' | egrep '^[0-9]' | egrep " dpts?:[0-9:]+[ \t]*\$"
   return 0

##                          Main                        ##
if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then
   echo "Error: you must be root to execute this script."

while : ; do
   case $1 in
      -l) list; exit 0 ;;
      --list) list; exit 0 ;;
      -bo) ACTION='bo';
           block "OUTPUT" $2;
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift; shift ;;
      --block-outbound) ACTION='bo';
           block "OUTPUT" $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/--block-outbound=//g' -e "s/'//g" -e 's/\"//g')
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift ;;
      -uo) ACTION='uo';
           unblock "OUTPUT" $2;
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift; shift ;;
      --unblock-outbound) ACTION='uo';
           unblock "OUTPUT" $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/--unblock-outbound=//g' -e "s/'//g" -e 's/\"//g')
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift ;;
      -bi) ACTION='bi';
           block "INPUT" $2;
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift; shift ;;
      --block-inbound) ACTION='bi';
           block "INPUT" $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/--block-inbound=//g' -e "s/'//g" -e 's/\"//g')
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift ;;
      -ui) ACTION='ui';
           unblock "INPUT" $2;
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift; shift ;;
      --unblock-inbound) ACTION='ui';
           unblock "INPUT" $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/--unblock-inbound=//g' -e "s/'//g" -e 's/\"//g')
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && RETVAL=1
           shift ;;
      -h) show_syntax ; exit 0 ;;
      --help) show_syntax ; exit 0 ;;
       *) if [ -z "$1" ]; then break; fi
          echo "[error] Invalid option '$1' specified; see --help (-h) for more info."
          exit 1

if [ $ACTION == "x" ]; then
   exit 1

exit $RETVAL

Again, I state: this script must be ran as root (because it wraps IPTables). So stick sudo in front of it’s calls if running as a regular user (assuming you’re set up with sudoer’s privileges).


Syntax: $> blockport.sh  [Options]
     --list                  List the ports blocked by this script.

     -bo PORT
     --block-outbound=PORT   Blocks outbound ports (both udp and tcp). You can
                              use space or comma to delimit multiple ports
     -uo PORT
     --unblock-outbound=PORT Unblocks outbound ports (both udp and tcp)
                              previously blocked. You can use space or comma to
                              delimit multiple ports
     -bi PORT
     --block-inbound=PORT    Blocks inbound ports (both udp and tcp). You can
                              use space or comma to delimit multiple ports
     -ui PORT
     --unblock-inbound=PORT  Unblocks inbound ports (both udp and tcp)
                              previously blocked. You can use space or comma to
                              delimit multiple ports


Here is a simple example that just blocks 2 ports. We can chain more than one port by placing a comma in between each one. It is also valid to keep using one switch after another (they’ll be executed in order).

# Here is how easy it is to use; first we'll block (inbound) ports 80 and 443
blockport.sh -bi 80,443

# This is also valid syntax:
#    blockport.sh -bi 80 -bi 443

# We know they're blocked now, but we can have a look anyway:
blockport.sh -l
# The output will look like this:
# Listing INPUT Ports Blocked:
# 1    DROP   udp  --   udp dpt:443
# 2    DROP   tcp  --   tcp dpt:443
# 3    DROP   udp  --   udp dpt:80
# 4    DROP   tcp  --   tcp dpt:80
# Listing OUTPUT Ports Blocked:

# We can reverse this by typing:
blockport.sh -ui 80,443

# This is also valid syntax:
# blockport.sh -ui 80 -ui 443

You can do ranges too; just use the colon (:) or hyphen (-). In the example below, we block a range of outgoing traffic from a system:

# Below blocks outbound ports 20, 21, and all ports (and including) 8000-8500.
blockport.sh -bo 20,21,8000-8500

# This is also valid syntax:
#    blockport.sh -bo 20 -bo 21 -bo 8000-8500

# We know they're blocked now, but we can have a look anyway:
blockport.sh -l
# The output will look like this:
# Listing INPUT Ports Blocked:
# Listing OUTPUT Ports Blocked:
# 1    DROP   udp  --   udp dpts:8000:8500
# 2    DROP   tcp  --   tcp dpts:8000:8500
# 3    DROP   udp  --   udp dpt:21
# 4    DROP   tcp  --   tcp dpt:21
# 5    DROP   udp  --   udp dpt:20
# 6    DROP   tcp  --   tcp dpt:20

# We can reverse this by typing:
blockport.sh -uo 20,21,8000-8500

# This is also valid syntax:
# blockport.sh -uo 20 -uo 21 -uo 8000-8500

Note: You can only unblock what you block. Here is an example of what I mean:

# Blocking a range:
blockport.sh -bo 8000-8500

# You CAN NOT just unblock a port from it (this will not work):
blockport.sh -uo 8400

# Similarly, you can not block individual ports and then try to unblock them
# as a range:
blockport.sh -bo 20,21

# You CAN NOT just unblock this as a range (this will not work):
blockport.sh -uo 20-21

This script is intended to be an instant port blocker. It intentionally destroys any pre-established connections utilizing the port marked. Keep this in mind so that you don’t block yourself out of your own Server or VPS. Hence DON’T CLOSE PORT 22 unless you know what and why you’re doing it. You have been warned! πŸ™‚

Use Cases
Suppose you want to deny access out of a server you host for your company after hours, you could create a cron like this:

# Block defined outbound ports at around 5:30pm every evening on Weekdays
# (Mon - Fri)
30 17 * * 1-5 /root/bin/blockport.sh -bo 80,443,22,21 &>/dev/null

# Unblock the defined ports every morning at 7am on Weekdays
# (Mon - Fri) keeping them blocked over the weekends
0 7 * * 1-5 /root/bin/blockport.sh -uo 80,443,22,20,21 &>/dev/null

Alternatively, maybe something looked bad in /var/log/messages or /var/log/audit/audit.log to you and you simply just want to immediately block the port.


If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least. It’s really all I ask.