Tag Archives: RPM

Linux Administration Tools & Tricks


All *nux administrators have tools they use to make their job easier. This blog will be an ongoing one where every time I find or create a handy tool, I’ll share it. I’ll do my best to provide a quick write up with it and some simple examples as to how it may be useful to you too.
Currently, this blog touches on the following:


Please note that most of these tools can be directly retrieved from my repository I’m hosting. You may wish to connect to it to make your life easier.

genssl: SSL/TLS Certificate Generator and Certificate Validation

genssl is a simple bash script I created to automatically generate Private/Public key pairs that can be used by all sorts of applications requiring SSL/TLS encryption. This could be used by any number of servers you’re hosting (Web, Mail, FTP, etc). It will also test previously created keys (validating them). It supports generating keys that are to be signed by Certificate Authority as well as self signed and test keys too.

# Assuming you've connected to my repository,
# just type the following:
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref genssl

What You’ll Need To Know
It’s really quite simple, SSL/TLS keys are usually assigned to domain names. Thus this is the only input to the tool in addition to the key type you want to generate (self-signed, test, or registered):

# Generate a simple self-signed Certificate Private/Public
# key pair for the domain example.com you would just type the
# following:
genssl -s example.com
# ^-- creates the following:
#   - example.com.key
#   - example.com.crt
#   - example.com.README

# You can specify as many domain names as you want to
# generate more then one:
genssl -s example.com nuxref.com myothersite.com
# ^-- creates the following:
#   - example.com.key
#   - example.com.crt
#   - example.com.README
#   - nuxref.com.key
#   - nuxref.com.crt
#   - nuxref.com.README
#   - myothersite.com.key
#   - myothersite.com.crt
#   - myothersite.com.README

You can verify the keys with the following command:

# The following scans the current directory
# for all .key, .crt, and/or .csr files and tests that
# they all correctly match against one another.
genssl -v

If you need a signed certificate by a registered Certificate Authority, genssl will get you half way there. It will generate you your public key and an unsigned certificate (.csr). You’ll then need to choose a Certificate Authority that works best for you (cost wise, features you need). You will provide them your unsigned certificate you just generated and in return, they’ll produce (and provide) for you the private key you need (.key). Signed (registered) certificates cost money because you’re paying for someone else to confirm the authenticity of your site when people visit it. This is by far the absolute best way to publicly host a secure website!

# Generate an unsigned certificate and public key
# pair for the domain example.com with the following:
genssl -r example.com
# ^-- creates the following:
#   - example.com.key
#   - example.com.crt
#   - example.com.README

You’ll notice that you also generate a README file for every domain you create keys for. Some of us won’t generate keys often; so this README provides some additional information that will explain how you can use the key. It lists a few Certificate Authoritative locations you can contact, and provides examples on how you can install the key into your system. Depending on the key pair type you generate, the README will provide you with information specific to your cause. Have a look at the contents yourself after you generate a key! I find the information in it useful!

The last thing worth noting about this tool is to create a key pair, you usually provide information about yourself or the site you’re creating the key for. I’ve defaulted all these values to ones you’re probably not interested in using. You can over-ride them by specifying additional switches on the command line. But the absolute easiest (and better) way of doing it, is to just provide a global configuration file it can reference which is /etc/genssl. This file is always sourced (if present). The next file that is checked and sourced is ~/.config/genssl and then ~/.genssl.
Set this with information pertaining to your hosting to ease the generation of of the key details. Here is an example of what any one of these configuration files might look like:

# The country code is represented in it's 2 letter abbreviated version:
# hence: CA, US, UK, etc
# Defaults to "7K" if none is specified
# Your organization/company Name
# Defaults to "Lannisters" if none is specified
# The Province and or State you reside in
# Defaults to "Westerlands" if none is specified
# Identify the City/Town you reside in
# Defaults to "Casterly Rock" if none is specified
# Define a department; this is loosely used. Some
# just leave it blank
# Defaults to "" (blank) if not is specified

There are other variables you can override, but the above are the key ones. The default cipher strength is rsa:2048 and keys expire after 730 days (which equates to 2 years). This is usually the max time Certificate Authoritative sites will sign your key for anyway (if registering with them).

You don’t need a configuration file at all for this script to work, there are switches for all of these variables too that you can pass in. Its important to note that passed in switches will always over-ride the configuration file too, but this is the same with most applications anyway.

Some Further Reading

fencemon: A System Monitoring Tool

fencemon is a beautiful creation by Red Hat, the only thing I did was package it as an RPM. I don’t think it’s advertised or used enough by system administrators. It simply runs as a cron and constantly gathers detailed system information. Information such as the current programs running, the system memory remaining, network statistics, disk i/o, etc. It captures content every 10 seconds but does so by using tools that are not i/o intensive. So running this will not slow your machine down enough to justify not using it.

Where this information becomes vital is during a system failure (in the event one ever does occur). It will allow you to see exactly what the last state of the system was (processes in memory, etc) prior to your issue. The detailed information can be used with everyday troubleshooting as well too such as identifying that process that is going crazy overnight and other anonymities that you’re never around to witness first hand.

Why is it called fencemon?
It got it’s name because it’s initial purpose was to run in clustered environments which do a think called ‘fencing’. It’s when another cluster node sees that another is violating some of the simple cluster rules put in place, or it simply isn’t responding anymore. Fencing is effectively the power cycling of the node (so an admin doesn’t have to). In almost all cases (unless there is seriously something wrong with the fenced node), it will reboot and rejoin the cluster correctly. This tool would have allowed an admin to see the final state of the cluster node before it was lost. But any server can crash or go crazy when deploying software in a production environment. We all hope it never happens, but it can. The logging put in place by fencemon can be a life saver!

# Assuming you've connected to my repository,
# just type the following:
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref fencemon

What You’ll Need To Know
The constant system capturing that is going on will report itself to /var/log/fencemon/.

The format of the log files is:

Once an hour elapses, a new file is written to. Each file contains system statistics in 20 second bursts; as you can imagine, there is A LOT of information here.

the following capturetype log files (with their associated commands) are gathered in 20 second increments:

  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-ps-wchan.log:
    ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,start,time,wchan:32,args
  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-vmstat.log:
  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-vmstat -d.log:
  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-netstat.log:
    netstat -s
  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-meminfo.log:
    cat /proc/meminfo
  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-slabinfo.log:
    cat /proc/slabinfo
  • hostnameYYYYMMDDHHMMSS-info-ethtool-$iface.log:
    # $iface will be whatever is detected on your machine
    # you can also define this variable in /etc/sysconfig/fencemon
    # ifaces="lo eth0"
    # The above definition would cause the following to occur:
    /sbin/ethtool -S lo >> 
    /sbin/ethtool -S eth0 >> 

The log files are kept for about 2 days which can occupy about 750MB of disk space. But hey, disk space is cheap now of days. You should have no problem reserving a GIG of disk space for this info. It’s really worth it in the long run!

Some Further Reading

datemath: A Date/Time Manipulation Utility

I won’t go too deep on this subject since I’ve already blogged about it before here. In a nutshell, It can easily provide you a way of manipulating time on the fly to ease scripting. This tool is not rocket science by any means, but it simplifies shell scripting a great deal when preforming functionality that is time sensitive.

This is effectively an extension or the the missing features to the already existing date tool which a lot of developers and admins use regularly.

# Assuming you've connected to my repository,
# just type the following:
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref datemath

What You’ll Need To Know
There are 2 key applications; datemath and dateblock. Datemath can ease scripting by returning you time relative to when it was called; for example:

# Note: the current date/time is printed to the
#        screen to give you an idea how the math was
#        applied.
# date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' prints: 2014-11-14 21:49:42
# What will the time be in 20 hours from now?
datemath -o 20
# 2014-11-15 17:49:42

# Top of the hour 9000 minutes in the future:
datemath -n 9000 -f '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00'
# 2014-11-21 03:00:00

If you use a negative sign, then it looks in the past. There are lots of reasons why you might want to do this; consider this little bit of code:

# Touch a file that is 30 seconds older than 'now'
touch -t $(datemath -s -30 -f '%Y%m%d%H%M.%S') reference_file

# Now we have a reference point when using the 'find'
# command. The below command will list all files that
# at least 30 seconds old. This might be useful if your
# hosting an FTP server and don't want to process files
# until they've arrived completely.
find -type f -newer reference_file
# You could move the fully delivered files to a new
# directory with a slight adjustment to the above line
find -type f -newer reference_file -exec mv -f {} /new/path ;

# Consider this for an archive clean-up for a system
# you maintain. Simply touch a file as being 31 days
# older then 'now'
touch -t $(datemath -d -31 -f '%Y%m%d%H%M.%S') reference_file

# now you can list all the files that are older then
# 31 days.  Add the -delete switch and you can clean
# up old content from a directory.
find /an/archive/directory -type f ! -newer reference_file

# You can easily script sql statements using this tool too
# consider that you need to just select yesterdays data
# for an archive:
START=$(datemath -d -1 -f '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')
FINISH=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')
# Now your SQL statement could be:
/usr/bin/psql -d postgres 
      -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM mysystem.data WHERE 
                mysystem.start_date >= '$START' AND 
                mysystem.finish_date < '$FINISH') 
          TO '$BACKUP_FILE';"
# Now that we've backed our data up, we can remove
# it from our database:
/usr/bin/psql -d postgres 
      -c "DELETE FROM mysystem.data  WHERE 
                mysystem.start_date >= '$START' AND 
                mysystem.finish_date < '$FINISH'"

Some Further Reading

dateblock: A Cron-Like Utility

dateblock allows us to mimic the functionality of sleep by blocking the process. The catch is dateblock blocks until a specific time instead of for a duration of time.

This very subtle difference can prove to be a very effective and powerful too, especially when you want to execute something at a specific time. Cron’s are fine for most scenarios, but they aren’t ideal in a clustered environment where this tool excels. In a clustered environment you may only want an action to occur on the node hosting the application, where a cron would require the action to fire on all nodes.

The python C++ library enables this tools usage even further since you can integrate it with your application.

Just like datemath is, dateblock is discussed in much more detail in my blog about it here.

# Assuming you've connected to my repository,
# just type the following:
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref dateblock

# Get the python library too if you want it
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref python-dateblock

What You’ll Need To Know
Consider the following:

# block for 30 seconds...
sleep 30

# however dateblock -s 30 would block until the next 30th second
# of the minute is reached. Consider the time:
# date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' prints: 2014-11-14 22:14:16
# dateblock would block until 22:14:30 (just 14 seconds later)
dateblock -s 30

Dateblock works just like a crontab does and supports the crontab format too. It was written by me to specifically allow accuracy for time sensitive applications running. If you write your actions and commands in a script under a dateblock command, you can always guarantee your actions will be called at a precise time.

Since it supports cron entries you can feed it things like this:

# The following will unblock if the minute becomes
# divisible by 10.  so this would unblock at the
# :00, :10, :20, :30: 40: and :50 intervals
dateblock -n /10

# the above command could also be written like this:
dateblock -n 0,10,20,30,40,50

# You can mix and match switches to tweak the tool to
# always work in your favour.

A really nice switch that can help with your debugging and development is the –test (-t) switch. This will cause dateblock to ‘not’ block at all. Instead it will just spit out the current time, followed by the time it ‘would’ have unblocked at had you not put it into test mode. This is good for trying to tweak complicated arguments to get the tool to work in your favour.

# using the test switch, we can make sure we're going
# to unblock at time intervals we expect it to. In this
# example, i use the test switch and a cron formatted
# argument.  In this example, I'm asking it to unblock
# ever 2 days at the start of each day (midnight with
# respect to the systems time)
dateblock -t -c "0 0 0 /2"
Current Time : 2014-11-14 22:24:06 (Fri)
Block Until  : 2014-11-16 00:00:00 (Sun)

# Note: there is an extra 0 above that may through you
#       off.. in the normal cron world, the first
#       argument is the 'minute' entry.  Well since
#       dateblock offers high resolution, the first
#       entry is actually 'seconds', then minute, etc.

There are man pages for both of these tools. You’ll get a lot more detail of the power they offer. Alternatively, if you even remotely interested, check out e my blog entry on them.

The other cool thing is dateblock also has a python library I created.

# Import the module
from dateblock import dateblock

# Here is a similar example as above and we set
# block to false so we know how long were blocking until
unblock_dt = dateblock('0 0 0 /2', block=False)
print("Blocking until %s" % unblock_dt
              .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S))
# by default, blocking is enabled, so now we can just
# block for the specified time
datetime.datetime('0 0 0 /2')

Some Further Reading

nmap (Network Mapper)

nmap is port scanner & network mapping tool. You can use it to find out all of the open ports a system has on it and you can also use it to see who is on your network. This tool is awesome, but it’s intentions can be easily abused. It’s common sense to scan your own network to make sure that only the essential ports are open to the outside world, but it’s not kind to scan a system to which you are not the owner of. Hence, this tool should be used to identify your systems weaknesses so that you can fix them; it should not be used to identify an others weakness. For this reason, if you do install nmap on your system, consider limiting permission so that only the root user has access to it.

# Assuming you've connected to my repository,
# just type the following:
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref-shared nmap

# Restrict its access (optional, but ideal)
chmod o-rwx /usr/bin/nmap

What You’ll Need To Know
Now you can do things like:

  • Scan your system to identify all open ports:
    # Assuming the server you are scanning is
  • Scan an entire network to reveal everyone on it (including MAC Address information):
    # Assuming a class C network (24 masked bits) with
    # a network address of
    nmap -n -v -sP

Note: Don’t panic if your system appears to have more ports open then you had thought. Well at least don’t panic until you determine where you are running your network map test from. You see, if you run nmap on the same system you are testing against, then there your test might not prove accurate since firewalls do not normally deny any local traffic. The best test is to use a second access point to test against the first. Also, if your server sits on more then one network, make sure to test it from a different server on each network it connects to!

Some Further Reading

  • A blog with a ton of different examples identifying things you can do with this tool.

lsof (LiSt Open Files)

This tool is absolutely fantastic when it comes to preforming diagnostics or handling emergency scenarios. This command is only available to the root user; this is intentional due to the power it offers the system administrators.

I’m not hosting this tool simply because it ships with most Linux flavors (Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, etc). Therefore, the following should haul it into your system if it’s not already installed:

# just type the following:
yum install -y lsof

# If this doesn't work, the rpm will be found
# on your DVD/CD containing your Linux Operating
# System.

What You’ll Need To Know
This tool when executed on it’s own (without any options) simply lists every open file, device, socket you have on one great big list. This can be useful when paired with grep if your looking for something specific.

# list everything opened

But it’s true power comes from it’s ability to filter through this list and fetch specific things for you.

# list all of the processes utilizing port 80 on your system:
lsof -i :80 -t

# or be more specific and list all of the processes accessing
# a specific service you are hosting on an IP listening on
# port 80:
# Note: the below assumes we're interested in those accessing
#       the ip address
lsof -i @ -t

# If you pair this with the kill command, you can easily kick
# everyone off your server this way:
kill -9 $(lsof -i @ -t)

But the tool is also great for even local administration; let’s say there is a user account on your system with the login id of bob.

# find out what bob is up to and what he's accessing on
# your system this way (you may need to pair this with
# grep since the output can be quite detailed
lsof -u bob

# Perhaps you just want to see all of the network activity
# bob is involved in. The following spits out a really
# easy to read list of all of the network related processes
# bob is dealing with.
lsof -a -u bob -i

# You can kill all of the TCP/IP processes bob is using with
# the following (if bob was violating the system, this might
# be a good course of action to take):
kill -9 $(lsof -t -u bob)

Perhaps you have a file on your system you use regularly, you can find out who is also using it with the following command:

# List who is accessing a file
lsof /path/to/a/file

Some Further Reading

  • lsof Survival Guide: A Stack Overflow post with some awesome tricks you can do with this tool.
  • More great lsof examples. This is someones blog who specifically wrote about this tool specifically. They provide many more documented examples of this tools usage here.


This blog took me a very long time to put together and test! If you like what you see and wish to copy and paste this HOWTO, please reference back to this blog post at the very least. It’s really all I ask.

Brogue: A Roguelike Game for CentOS


Brogue is a fantastic roguelike game for most operating systems (Linux, MacOS X, and Windows). It’s completely open source (license and cost free) and available for anyone who wants it. The game has a huge following on their forum. It’s also worth pointing out that all the development credit in this game goes to the author Brian Walker.
Pixel Dungeon
I was inspired to look up Brogue and build it properly for CentOS/Red Hat (including Fedora 20) after playing Pixel Dungeon (GitHub/Wiki) which is available for all Android devices. Pixel Dungeon credits Brogue for all the success it’s had; therefore it only felt worth it to help the Brogue community out and package it for Red Hat based systems.

How Does It Work?

You start off as a character in a dungeon denoted by an at sign @. Using the arrow keys on your keyboard and/or mouse; you simply navigate your way around. Your goal is to reach 26th floor of it where a prize awaits you (The Amulet of Yendor). You’ll face monsters, starvation, curses and a lot of luck the deeper you go. All of the levels, gear, and monsters are randomly generated; so each time you play the game you will have a different experience. Some experiences are hard, some harder, and some virtually impossible. Roguelike games (like this one) imply that you will die. Most games are short; but each time you play, you’ll learn new things and make it further into the game. It’s important not to get discouraged; but rather give the game a fair chance. In fact, since each experience is different for every single play-through, you won’t be bored with the repetitive nature of rinsing and repeating what you’ve already done over and over again. It’s quite the opposite actually. You’ll learn things that didn’t work for you last time; but you may not get to apply that knowledge on the next play-through since you’ll be in a completely different dungeon.
Brogue Brimstone Battle
The in-game graphics could be considered impressive to some and not to others. But hopefully most people have come to realize that graphics don’t make a game and it’s the fun of it that truly fulfills the experience.

Again, I’ll state that when you first dive into this game it can be frustrating. You are going to die a lot until you grasp the concepts. The developer thought about those who just want to hack and slash and win every time the play the game. For this reason; he created a file called the seed catalog which dictates what will be available to you as you explore deeper into the dungeon. You can manipulate this catalogue and make your experience more enjoyable (that is… if enjoyable means easy). If you choose this route, perhaps overtime as you pick up new strategies, you can limit the catalogues contents or just use it’s defaults. It’s up to you!

Note: If you want to update the catalogue; it becomes available to you after you start the program up for the first time. It’s located as ~/.config/brogue/Brogue seed catalog.txt. You can adjust the content of a specific seed and choose that seed in the game by pressing <ctrl>-N on your keyboard. For example: <ctrl>-N and entering in 21 is known to give you a game that is fairly generous to new users. Apparently seed 1331532419 is a good one to start with too (source).

How Do I Get Brogue?

I thought you’d never ask; I’ve packaged the whole thing along with all of it’s dependencies. The easiest way to get it is from my repository I host.

# Visit http://nuxref.com/repo/ and set up a link to the
# repository I host, then run the following:
yum install -y --enablerepo=nuxref \
               --enablerepo=nuxref-shared \ 

But if you want the required RPMs directly from this blog you can get them here:

Getting Started

After you’ve installed the game; you’re ready to begin playing it. It’s truly worth reading the tips to new gamers posted on the Official Brogue Website.
Gnome Launcher
You can launch the game from the Menu bar in Gnome, or you can simply type brogue on the command line. A script I prepared will automatically start everything up for you.
Brogue Main Menu

The only other thing worth noting is that all of your configuration and high scores are stored in the ~/.config/brogue directory.

Good Luck!


  • Official Brogue Website: I can’t encourage you enough to check this link out. Especially for the invaluable tips and playing advice it provides to new users.
  • Brogue Online Forum: A great place to meet new people and discuss the game. You can use this location to report any issues or pick up strategies of your own.
  • Official Brogue Wiki: This is a fantastic resource to learn the environment and about all the things that reside in the game.

I also want to give credit to the graphic I photoshopped as part of my title for this blog. It came from an author who goes by 88grzes who publicly posted it on DiviantART here.

A Usenet Solution For CentOS 6

What Is Usenet

In a nutshell; it’s basically a bunch of (file) servers that host a ton of information people place onto it. We’re talking about petabytes (1000+ Terabytes) of information. There is very little organization, but it does have a defined structure.

Content is sorted into groups which act as containers for it to be stored and retrieved from. You can think of a group like you might think of a directory on your computer at home. We create directories all the time in efforts to add order and structure to where we keep things (so we can find them later). The thing is, Usenet has no moderation; so you can place content in any group you want. As a result; it’s a lot like what you might expect someone’s hard drive would look like if you gave 5 million people access to it. Basically there is just a ton of crap everywhere.

The World Wide Web is similar to this, but instead of groups, we sort things by URLs (web addresses) such as http://nuxref.com. Google uses it’s own web crawlers to scan the entire World Wide Web just to create an index from it. Each website they find, they track it’s name, it’s content, and the language it’s written in. The result from them doing this is: we get to use their fantastic search engine! A search engine that has made our lives incredibly easy by granting us fast and easy accessible information at our fingertips.

The Usenet Indexer

Usenet is a very big world of it’s own and it’s a lot harder to get around in (but not impossible) without anything indexing it. Thankfully Usenet is no where near the size of the World Wide Web which makes indexing it is very possible for a much larger audience! In fact, we can even index it with our personal computer(s) we run at home. By indexing it; we can easily search it for content we’re interested in (much like how we use Google for web page searching).

Since just about anyone can index Usenet, one has to think: Why index Usenet ourselves if someone’s already doing it for us elsewhere? In fact, there are many sites (and tools) that have already done all the indexing (some better than others) of Usenet who are willing to share it with others (us). But it’s important to know: it can take a lot of server power, disk space, and network consumption for these site administrators to constantly index Usenet for us. Since most (if not all) of the sites are just hobbyists doing it for fun, it gets expensive for them to maintain things. For that reason some of them may charge or ask for a donation. If you want to use their services, you should respect their measly request of $8USD to $20USD for a lifetime membership. But don’t get discouraged, there are still a lot of free ones too!

Just keep in mind that Usenet is constantly getting larger; people are constantly posting new content to it every second. You’ll find that the sites that charge a fee are already (relatively) aware of the new changes to Usenet every time you search with it. Others (the free ones) may only update their index a few times a day or so.

Alternatively (the free route), we can go as far as running our own Usenet indexer (such as NewzNab) just as the hobbyists did (mentioned above). NewzNab will index Usenet on a regular basis. With your own indexer, you can choose to just index content that appeals to you. You can even choose to offer your services publicly if you want. Just keep in mind that Usenet is huge! If you do decide to go this route, you’ll find it a very CPU and network intensive operation. You may want to make sure you don’t exceed your Internet Service Providers (ISP) download limits.

Now back to the Google analogy I started earlier: When you find a link on Google you like, you simply click on it and your browser redirect you to the website you chose; end of story. However, in the Usenet Indexing world, once you find something of interest, the Usenet Indexer will provide you with an NZB File. An NZB file is effectively a map that identifies where your content can be specifically located on Usenet (but not the data itself). An NZB file to Usenet is similar to what a Torrent file is to a BitTorrent Client. Both NZB and Torrent files provide the blueprints needed to mine (acquire) your data. Both NZB and Torrent files require a Downloader to preform the actual data mining for you.

The Downloader

The Downloader can take an NZB File it’s provided and then uses it to acquire the actual data it maps to. This is the final piece of the puzzle!
Of the list below, you really only need to choose 1 Downloader. I just listed more then 1 to give you alternatives to work with. My personal preference is NZBGet because it is more flexible. But it’s flexibility can also be very confusing (only at first). Once you get over it’s learning curve and especially the initial configuration; it’s a dream to work with. Alternatively SABnzbd may be better for the novice if your just starting off with Usenet and don’t want to much more of a learning curve then you already have.

Either way, pick you poison:

Title Package Details
NZBGet rpm/src NZBGet is written in C++ and designed with performance in mind to achieve maximum download speed by using very little system resources.
Community / Manual
**Note: I created this patch in a recent update rebuild (Jul 17th, 2014) to fix a few directory paths so the compression tools (unrar and 7zip) can work right away. I also added these compression tools as dependencies to the package so they’ll just be present for you at the start.
**Note: I also created this patch in a recent update rebuild (Nov 9th, 2014) to allow the RC Script to take optional configuration defined in /etc/sysconfig/nzbget.

You can install NZBGet using the steps below:

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/nuxref-repository/

# Install NZBGet
yum install -y nzbget 

# Grab Template
cp /usr/share/nzbget/nzbget.conf ~/.nzbget

# Protect it
chmod 600 ~/.nzbget

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
nzbget -D

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:6789/
SABnzbd n/a SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python.
Community / Manual
Note:I have not packaged this yet, but will probably eventually get around to it. For now it can be accessed from it’s repository on GitHub, or you can quickly set it up in your environment as follows:

# There is no RPM installer for this one, we just
# fetch straight from their repository.
# Install git (if it's not already)
yum install -y git

# Grab a snapshot of SABnzbd
git clone https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.git SABnzbd

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
python SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py 
    --pid $(pwd)/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.pid

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:8080/

Automated Index Searchers

These tools search for already indexed content you’re interested in and can be configured to automatically download it for you when it’s found. It itself doesn’t do the downloading, but it will automate the connection between your chosen Indexer and Downloader (such as NZBGet or SABnzbd). For this reason, these tools do not actually search Usenet at all and therefore have very little overhead on your system (or NAS drive).

Title Package Details
rpm/src Automatic TV Show downloader
Formally known as NZBDrone; it has since been changed to Sonarr. This was only made possible because of the blog I wrote on mono v3.x .

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/nuxref-repository/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y sonarr 

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
nohup mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe &

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:8989/
Sick Beard
n/a (Another) Automatic TV Show downloader

Note:I have not packaged this yet, but will probably eventually get around to it. For now it can be accessed from it’s repository on GitHub, or you can quickly set it up in your environment as follows:

# Install git (if it's not already)
yum install -y git

# Grab a snapshot of Sick Beard
# Note that we grab the master branch, otherwise we default
# to the development one.
git clone -b master https://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard.git SickBeard

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
python SickBeard/SickBeard.py 
   --pidfile $(pwd)/SickBeard/sickbeard.pid

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:8081/
n/a Automatic movie downloader

Note:I have not packaged this yet, but will probably eventually get around to it. For now it can be accessed from it’s repository on GitHub, or you can quickly set it up in your environment as follows:

# Install git (if it's not already)
yum install -y git

# Grab a snapshot of CouchPotato
git clone https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer.git CouchPotato

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
python CouchPotato/CouchPotato.py 
   --pid_file CouchPotato/couchpotato.pid

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:5050/
n/a Automatic music downloader

Note:I have not packaged this yet, but will probably eventually get around to it. For now it can be accessed from it’s repository on GitHub, or you can quickly set it up in your environment as follows:

# Install git (if it's not already)
yum install -y git

# Grab a snapshot of Headphones
git clone https://github.com/rembo10/headphones Headphones

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
python Headphones/Headphones.py 
   --pidfile $(pwd)/Headphones/headphones.pid

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:8181/
n/a Automatic Comic Book downloader

Note:I have not packaged this yet, but will probably eventually get around to it. For now it can be accessed from it’s repository on GitHub, or you can quickly set it up in your environment as follows:

# Install git (if it's not already)
yum install -y git

# Grab a snapshot of Headphones
git clone https://github.com/evilhero/mylar Mylar

# Start it Up (as a non-root user):
python Mylar/Mylar.py 
   --pidfile $(pwd)/Mylar/Mylar.pid

# You should now be able to access it via: 
#     http://localhost:8090/

NZBGet Processing Scripts

For those who prefer SABnzbd, you can ignore this part of the blog. For those using NZBGet, one of it’s strongest features is it’s ability to process content it downloads before and after it’s received. The Post Processing (PP) has been specifically one of NZBGet’s greatest features. It allows separation between the the function NZBGet (which is to download content in NZB files) and what you want to do with the content afterwards. Post Processing could do anything such as catalogue what was received and place it into an SQL database. Post Processing could rename the content and sort it for you in separate directories depending on what it is. Post processing can be as simple as just emailing you when the download completed or post on Facebook or Twitter. You’re not limited to just 1 PP Script either, you can chain them and run a whole slew of them one after another. The options are endless.

I’ve taken some of the popular PP Scripts from the NZBGet forum and packaged them in a self installing RPM as well to make life easy for those who want it. Some of these packages require many dependencies and ports to make the installation smooth. Although i link directly to the RPMs here, you are strongly advised to link to my repository with yum if you haven’t already done so.

Title Package Provides Details
Failure Link rpm/src FAILURELINK If download fails, the script sends info about the failure to indexer site, so a replacement NZB (same movie or TV episode) can be queued up if available. The indexer site must support DNZB-Header “X-DNZB-FailureLink”.

Note: The integration works only for downloads queued via URL (including RSS). NZB-files queued from local disk don’t have enough information to contact the indexer site.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-failurelink 
nzbToMedia rpm/src DELETESAMPLES
Provides an efficient way to handle post processing for
CouchPotatoServer, SickBeard, Sonarr, Headphones, and Mylar
when using NZBGet on low performance systems like a NAS.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-nzbtomedia 

Note: This package includes the removal of the entire PYPKG/libs directory. I replaced all of the dependencies previously defined here with global ones used by CentOS. The reason for this was due to the fact a lot of other packages all share the same libraries. It just didn’t make sense to maintain a duplicate of it all.

Subliminal rpm/src SUBLIMINAL Provides a wrapper that can be integrated with NZBGet with subliminal (which fetches subtitles given a filename or filepath). Subliminal uses the correct video hashes using the powerful guessit library to ensure you have the best matching subtitles. It also relies on enzyme to detect embedded subtitles and avoid retrieving duplicates.

Multiple subtitles services are available using:opensubtitles, tvsubtitles, podnapisi, addic7ed, and thesubdb.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-subliminal 

*Note: python-subliminal (what this PP Script is a wrapper too) had some issues I had to address. For one, I eliminated the entire PYPKG/subliminal/libs directory. I replaced all of the dependencies previously defined here with global ones used by CentOS. The reason for this was due to the fact a lot of other packages all share the same libraries. It just didn’t make sense to maintain a duplicate of it all.
**Note: Subliminal was written using Dict Comprehensions (PEP 274), a feature that wasn’t introduced until Python 2.7. Unfortunately, the developers of it had no interest in resolving this and closed the issue with ‘Upgrade to Python 2.7 or Python v3.3. For this reason, subliminal does ‘not’ work at all with CentOS or Red Hat 6.x. So… I fixed that. Now, I can proudly tell you that the copy of subliminal I host on my repository is 100% compatibility with python 2.6 (this includes a few Logging backported functionality too).

I am the current maintainer of this plugin and it can be accessed from my GitHub page here.

DirWatch rpm/src DIRWATACH DirWatch can watch multiple directories for NZB-Files and move them for processing by NZBGet. This tool is awesome if you have a DropBox account or a network share you want NZBGet to scan! Without this script NZBGet can only be configured to scan one (and only one) directory for NZB-Files.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-dirwatch 

I am the current maintainer of this plugin and it can be accessed from my GitHub page here.

TidyIt rpm/src TIDYIT TidyIt integrates itself with NZBGet’s scheduling and is used
to preform basic house cleaning on a media library. TidyIt
removes orphaned meta information, empty directories and unused
content. It’s the perfect OCD tool for those who want to eliminate
any unnecessary bloat on their filesystem and media library.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-tidyit 

I am the current maintainer of this plugin and it can be accessed from my GitHub page here.

Notify rpm/src NOTIFY Notify provides a wrapper that can be integrated with NZBGet allowing you to notify in just about any supported method today such as
email, KODI (XBMC), Prowl, Growl, PushBullet, NotifyMyAndroid, Toasty, Pushalot,
Boxcar, Faast, Telegram, Join, and Slack Notifications. It also supports pushing information in HTTP Post request
via JSON or XML (SOAP structure).

The script can also be used as a standalone tool and called from the
command line allowing it to support a lot more tools besides NZBGet.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-notify 

I am the current maintainer of this plugin and it can be accessed from my GitHub page here.

Password Detector rpm/src PASSWORDETECTOR Password Detector is a queue script that checks for passwords inside of every .rar file of a NZB downloaded. This means that it can detect password protected NZB’s very early before downloading is complete, allowing the NZB to be automatically deleted or paused. Detecting early saves data, time, resources, etc.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-passworddetector 
Fake Detector rpm/src FAKEDETECTOR This is a queue-script which is executed during download, after every downloaded file containing in nzb-file (typically a rar-file). The script lists content of download rar-files and tries to detect fake nzbs. Thus it saves your bandwidth if it detects that the content your downloading if the contents within it fail to pass a series of validity checks.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-fakedetector 
Video Sort rpm/src VIDEOSORT With post-processing script VideoSort you can automatically organize downloaded video files.

# Note: You must link to the NuxRef repository for this to work!
#      See: http://nuxref.com/repo/

# Installation of this plugin:
yum install -y nzbget-script-videosort 

Note: This package includes the removal of the entire PYPKG/libs directory. I replaced all of the dependencies previously defined here with global ones used by CentOS. The reason for this was due to the fact a lot of other packages all share the same libraries. It just didn’t make sense to maintain a duplicate of it all.

Mobile Integration

nzb360-logoThere are some fantastic Apps out there that allow you to integrate your phone with the applications mentioned above. It can allow you to manage your downloads from wherever you are. A special shout out to NZB 360 who recently had his app pulled from the Google Play Store for no apparent reason and had to set up shop outside. I can say first hand that his application is amazing! You should totally consider it if you have an Android phone.

Usenet Provides

For those who don’t have Usenet already, it does come at an extra cost and/or fee. The cost averages anywhere between $6 to $20 USD/month (anything more and you’re paying to much). The reason for this is because Usenet is a completely isolated network from the Internet. It’s comprised of a completely isolated set of interconnected servers. While the internet is comprised of hundreds of millions of servers all hosting specific content, each Usenet server hosts the entire usenet database… it hosts everything. If anything is uploaded to Usenet, all of the interconnected servers update themselves with their own local copy of it (to serve us). For this to happen, their servers have to have petabytes of storage. The fee they charge you is just going to support their operational cost such as bandwidth, maintenance and the regular addition of storage to their infrastructure. There is very little profit to be made for them at $8 a person. Here is a breakdown of a few servers (in alphabetical order) I’m aware of and support:

Provider Server
Notes Average Cost
Astraweb US & Europe Retention: 2158 Days (5.9 Years) $6.66USD/Month to $15USD/Month
see here for details
Usenet Server US Retention: 2159 Days (5.9 Years)
Has a free 14 day trial
$13.33USD/Month to $14.95USD/Month
see here for details

*Note: Table information was last updated on Jul 14th, 2014. Prices are subject to change as time goes on and this blog post isn’t updated.
**Note: If you have a provider that you would like to be added to this list… Or if you simply spot an error in pricing or linking, please feel free to contact me so I can update it right away.

Why do people use Usenet/Newsgroups?

  • Speed: It’s literally just you and another server; a simple 1 to 1 connection. Data transfer speeds will always be as fast as your ISP can carry your traffic to and from the Usenet Server you signed up with. Unlike torrents, content isn’t governed by how many seeders and leechers that have the content available to you. You never have to deal with upload/download ratios, maintain quotas, and or sit idle in someone’s queue who will serve data to you eventually.
  • Security: You only deal with secure connections between you and your Usenet Provider; no one else! Torrents can have you to maintaining thousands of connections to different systems and sharing data with them. With BitTorrent setups, tracker are publicly advertising what you have to share and what your trying to download. Your privacy is public to anyone using the same tracker that you’re connected to. Not only that, but most torrent connections are insecure as well which allows virtually anyone to view what you’re doing.

Please know that I am not against torrents at all! In fact, now I’ll take the time to mention a few points where torrents are excel over Usenet:

  • Cost: It doesn’t usually cost you anything to use the torrent network. It all depends on the tracker your using of course (some private trackers charge for their usage). But if you’re just out to get the free public stuff made available to us, there are absolutely no costs at all to use this method!
  • Availability: Usenet is far from perfect. When someone uploads something onto their Usenet Provider, by the time it propagates this new content to all of the other Usenet Servers, there is a small chance the data will be corrupted. This happens with Usenet all of the time. To compensate for this, Usenet users anticipate corruption (sad but true). These people kindly post Parchive files to Usenet to compliment whatever they previously uploaded. Parchive files work similar to how RAID works; they provide building blocks to reassemble data in the event it’s corrupted. Corruption never happens with Torrents unless the person hosting decides to host corrupted data. Any other scenario would simply be because your BitTorrent Client had a bug in it.
  • Retention: As long as someone is willing to seed something, or enough combined leechers can reconstruct what is being shared, then data will always stay alive in the BitTorrent world. However with Usenet, the Usenet Server is hosting EVERYTHING which means it has to maintain a lot data on a lot of disk space! For this reason, a retention period is inevitably met. A time is eventually reached where the Usenet Server purges (erases) older content from these hard disks to make room for the new stuff showing up every day.

Honestly, at the end of the day: both Torrents and Usenet Servers have their pros and cons. We will always continue each weigh them at different levels. What’s considered the right choice for one person, might not be the right one for another. Heck, just use both depending on your situation! πŸ™‚
